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6 Easy and Effective Ways to Lower Your Insulin Levels

bananas are the best, lower your insulin levels
Photo by Evan Lorne from Shutterstock

5. Include chromium and magnesium in your diet

As you can already tell, a healthy diet plays an important role in lowering your insulin levels, and besides consuming foods that are rich in fiber, you should also include foods that contain magnesium and chromium.

Doctors say that high blood sugar levels are linked to insufficiencies in magnesium and chromium, which are known for regulating blood sugar. If you eat foods that are rich in these two nutrients, you’ll help your body function at its best, you’ll feel and look better, and you’ll also lower your insulin levels.

You can find chromium in foods like nuts, fruit, veggies, and lean meats, and for an extra magnesium boost, you should add dark, leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, beans, whole grains, bananas, and squash to your diet.

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