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6 McDonald’s Breakfast Menu Items You Should NEVER Eat on an Empty Stomach

Courtesy of McDonald’s

5. Hash Browns

The Hash Browns. What can be wrong with them? They are made of potatoes, after all. What can be wrong with potatoes? Well, potatoes are completely alright, and it is ok to consume them but don’t let the Hash Browns fool you.

These potato bites that you can find on the breakfast menu at McDonald’s are deep-fried, which is why they are not good for your health. As with any other type of food that has been deep fried, this one also has too much saturated fat. More than that, the amount of sodium is very high. Did you know that it is not advised to consume too much salt if you have high blood pressure?

The Hash Browns have 150 calories, and this is not a lot if you only eat them. But in reality, no one will order only Hash Browns. We think that ordering them alongside something else is unnecessary, and you should not add calories to a meal that already has too many of them.

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