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8 Things Chefs Would NEVER Order at a Restaurant

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Milk drinks

This one is for the people who love to get a drink with their meal, and the cautionary tale comes from chefs and bartenders alike! Give a good look at the menu and see how many of the drinks on it contain milk. Generally speaking, there are very few on most menus, which means that not a lot of milk is being used behind the bar.

This can lead to milk sitting in the fridge for a while, and you can never know just how much time it has been stored there. Chefs warn against ordering any drink with milk inside if you know the place does not get a ton of customers who prefer those types of drinks.

And if your favorite cocktail is a milk-based one and you rarely find it on menus? It’s even better to make sure you don’t order it since it’s not common enough to justify using multiple milk jugs a week!

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1 thought on “8 Things Chefs Would NEVER Order at a Restaurant”

  1. This is horrible. Shame on the chefs. Is the artical saying they are not professional. We,, the customers, can’t rely on them to do their job properly and safely. And if the chefs know about other issues taking place by the staff why do they let it continue. Who has control in the kitchen? Apparently no one! Don’t drink the water and don’t use the fork. Maybe we all should keep out. And I’m not saying McDonald’s!

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