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8 Things Chefs Would NEVER Order at a Restaurant

Image By Rimma Bondarenko From Shutterstock

Hollandaise sauce

You may have gotten this sauce with a brunch item or two, especially since eggs Benedict are so popular nowadays. However, chefs are quite reluctant to order dishes that need a Hollandaise sauce if it’s not a specific brunch item or something of the sort, and it all comes down to what the sauce is made out of.

This sauce is pretty difficult to make, mostly because it is made from butter and raw eggs, and after it makes the emulsion, it is kept just warm enough to keep it thick without cooking the eggs. Yet, this state it is being held in can become a huge breeding ground for bacteria if it is not thrown out every 4 hours!

And if the chef doesn’t know the kitchen well enough and they always have a dish with Hollandaise sauce, they prefer to skip it instead of risking it!

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1 thought on “8 Things Chefs Would NEVER Order at a Restaurant”

  1. This is horrible. Shame on the chefs. Is the artical saying they are not professional. We,, the customers, can’t rely on them to do their job properly and safely. And if the chefs know about other issues taking place by the staff why do they let it continue. Who has control in the kitchen? Apparently no one! Don’t drink the water and don’t use the fork. Maybe we all should keep out. And I’m not saying McDonald’s!

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